Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM), held every two years since 1971, are the association’s ultimate policy-and decision-making forum.
The Commonwealth summits have three broad objectives. First, they allow Commonwealth leaders to review international political and economic developments, to decide, where appropriate, what action the association will take, and then to issue a communiqué stating the Commonwealth position.
Second, leaders examine avenues for Commonwealth co-operation for development, considering both the work done over the previous two years, and agreeing priorities and programmes for the future.
Third, and this is implicit in all the deliberations, leaders see these summits as an opportunity to strengthen the sense of the Commonwealth itself, as an association which has characteristics of friendship, business partnership and stabilising ballast in a world of change and turmoil.
The Commonwealth summits, known as Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (or CHOGMs), are held in different Commonwealth countries and organised by the host government and the Commonwealth Secretariat.